Robert Dilts is a world-renowned trainer and prolific author in the fields of NLP, leadership, education, creativity, and health.
And, in 1999, Robert published a great little book which people really loved, and which even today remains his bestseller:
Here are some examples of what's new
in advanced Sleight of Mouth:
- The fundamentals of illusion
- Holons and hierarchies
- Languaging levels of change
- Filtering negative identity judgments
- Resonance and persuasion
- Developing emotional intelligence
- Engaging multiple intelligences
- One-word reframing
- Chains of consequences
- Leveraging positive consequences
- Dynamics and dilemmas of hierarchies of criteria
-Leveraging a belief to change itself
- Reality strategies and confirmation bias
- Polya patterns
- Red flags – Detecting thought viruses
- Strategies of Genius + Sleight of Mouth
This will be a practical training with practical exercises, dramatic demonstrations, and clear answers to your questions.
If you want to study advanced Sleight of Mouth with Robert Dilts live in October, we recommend first studying the video of the first Sleight of Mouth workshop.
Robert's explication of the first Sleight of Mouth model is the foundation upon which the advanced model will be constructed.
And familiarity with Robert’s teaching will certainly facilitate learning the advanced material and exercising competently during the Sleight of Mouth 2 workshop.
Moreover, the complete Sleight of Mouth 1 workshop package – which costs $745 by itself – is available for only $300 when you buy the advanced Sleight of Mouth workshop package.
The early bird price for the advanced Sleight of Mouth workshop is $555. It will be going up.
But if you buy the comprehensive Sleight of Mouth package right now, including both workshops, you pay only $855.
Take a look below:
Payment plans are available for all the packages.